Friday, April 29, 2011

The Versatile Blogger AWARD

Yesterday I was SO happy- you have NO idea!

Why was I this happy, you ask?

Aimee from Girl Talk commented this on my post yesterday:
Hi I gave you an award because you so deserved it. Please come to my blog to claim it. Thank you!


:D :D :D :D :D :D

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Thank you to Aimee @ Girl Talk for giving me the award and thank you to all of you that read my blog, follow my blog, comment, e-mail me and buy my jewelry! You keep me going!

And thank you to my family: you are the biggest support in the WORLD and I couldn't do this or survive without you!!! Thank you for encouraging me to do this and for supporting me 200%!


The Versatile Blogger Award came with some rules and are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award by linking back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.

7 Things About Me

1. I've had the same dream career my WHOLE life: becoming an author. It's still my dream. I LOVE writing and you have no idea how much I write and how many notebooks I have. I love the stationary section of any store - even grocery stores. [I love the smell of new Post-Its.]

2. I've broken both arms 3 times. And my tail bone 3 times. And my nose once. My big toe once. And my foot is currently healing after breaking my foot after getting stepped on by a girl in stilettos at the school's New Years Ball. OUCH. [I am very fragile, as you probably understand, and my foot is still healing. I didn't actually know my foot was broken until 6 weeks had passed, I was limping for ages and should've used crutches, but I didn't know - I didn't think I was THAT unlucky!]

3. I write lots of poems and songs. I write my best ones in under 10 minutes (AKA "Katrine's Ten Minute Wonders" as my friends and I call them). I've also been published in two poetry anthologies.

4. My favourite food is my MUM's spaghetti bolognese. It's been my favourite my whole life. She makes it for me when I'm sick and on my birthday and other times too ;) And I'm just as satisfied each time.

5. I am 100% Norwegian, but I've lived 10 years abroad; 6 in Dubai and 4 in Singapore.

6. I was born with the straightest hair possible. When I was 14 I cut it to my shoulders.. I've gradually gotten more and more curly hair - naturally. Now my hair is curlier than ever - and I love it! :D

7. I carry a pink stone in my pocket everywhere - I have since I was around 7 years old. I used to bring it with me and rub it for good luck. It always worked. But now I have it in my pocket everyday. As you probably understand from #2 - I'm pretty unlucky!

8. I'm scared of most animals. I'm really scared of dogs, but I want one as a pet. When I was recovering from breaking my tail bone once, I went skiing, and one dog jumped on me, then another one 5 minutes later!!!! I was so scared and I fell over! (That's not the reason I'm scared by the way, I've always been afraid.)

Sorry that was 8 things about me, but I get mouth diarrhoea too often and I'm blabbering now as I'm so happy!! ;D

16 (I couldn't chose 15, sorry) Bloggers I'd Like to Award the Versatile Blogger Award to in no particular order:

By the Bonfire
Little Miss Momma
Vintage Wanna Bee
Bad Monkey
Yellow Songbird
The Shine Project
The Gunny Sack
Running With Glitter
Penny Masquerade
Making the World Cuter
Much love, Illy
See Kate Sew
A Quick Study

Congratulations! You guys really deserve this award!!

Please check out all these blogs - they're awesome :D


Nichelle @ Vintage Wanna Bee said...

Thanks so much! Your shop is so fun!

-mucho love

kate said...

Thanks Katrine! That is so sweet!

I've broken my tail bone once, too! Ouch!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

aw thanks for the reward!!!

and guess what?! i used to be sooo afraid of dogs too! then we got a dog and i am forever over that fear. loooove my dog - i mean i am craaazu about him!! do it. get a dog :)

Anonymous said...

Gratulerer :o)
Den fortjente du. Du lager så mye fint.

Håper du har en solfull Lørdag.
Klem :o)

Katrine said...

Hey Nichelle!
Thank you!
Thanks for following me :D


Katrine said...

Hey Kate!
No problem - you deserve it :D

Ouch! Did you have to sit on a doughnut ring too?? I did! :S


Katrine said...

Hey Ilene!
No problemo :)
Really!? That's so strange!! I should then, shouldn't I!?
The thing is, I can get used to a dog after a few hours or days.. but I'm still a bit scared! We'll see ;)


Katrine said...

Hei Malu! :)
Tusen tusen takk :D
I ligemåde!
Klem Katrine :)

Unknown said...

Such a sweet blog. Thanks for the follow. I am following you now. Love all of your jewelry and the list of things about yourself. Looking forward to more visits.
Donna My Life. One Story at a Time.

Katrine said...

Hey Donna!
Thank you :D
Thank you so much :D

Unknown said...

Thanks you so very, very much!


Lidyll said...

Hei du!*smile*
...du, jeg ville gjerne titte innom deg for å takke for sånne hyggelige kommentarer du har lagt igjen inne hos meg-jeg smiler fra øre til øre!Det er så utrolig hyggelig å høre at du finner inspirasjon hos meg! *smile*

og så må jeg jo bare nødt til å takke for denne awarden-det er jo utrolig stas!Nå er det sånn at jeg har svart på flere lignende tidligere, hvor jeg skal fortelle 7 ting om meg....så jeg kommer til å skrive i et innlegg at jeg har fått denne av deg, takke deg og linke til deg-men jeg kommer bare til å linke til der jeg har svart før....håper jeg får forståelse for det*smile*

....herlige ting du lager altså-synes du er kjempe flink!*smile*
Stor tirsdagsklem

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