Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blue Garden Pink BROOCH

I just uploaded a new product in my online store, a Blue Garden Pink BROOCH --

It's a single Garden Pink made the same way as each flower I made for this necklace.

The brooch is really pretty and I love how it turned out!

I made the flower using cotton fabric and glue. It has felt backing with a pin.

It really spruces up an outfit, but is elegant and quite discrete at the same time.

A true Gentle Flower.

This costs 120 NOK and can be bought here or by commenting below.

Let me know what you think in the comments and if you'd like to see this in other colours!


Anonymous said...

Kjempe fin :o)

Katrine said...

Tusen takk! :D kjekt å få kommentar :)

Jannes lille sted said...

Hei ☺
Kjempefin brosje! Er jo så gøy å lage slike ting selv!
Og tusen takk for så hyggelig hilsen inne hos meg!

Ha en flott kveld
Klem Janne Merethe

Katrine said...

Tusen takk skal du ha :) Ja, det er det alltid ;)

Hilsen Katrine

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