Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why and How YOU Keep Me Going

I don't have an extremely eccentric wardrobe --

but I spruce up my clothes with jewelry.

I collect rings.
I like strange jewelry. Like for example food on a ring.
I like to wear things that others don't wear.
My jewelry makes me stand out.

I get compliments on my jewelry all the time.
Especially on the pieces I've made.
Simply because they're different.
And people may feel like they can't have it.


It makes me feel special.
But people don't realise, that they actually can have it.
I sell my jewelry online.
And I'd love more customers.
More feedback.
More requests.
More wishes.
More questions.

These things get me going.

Because what people that compliment me don't realise.
Is that they are giving me the greatest gift of all:


Daisy (Read the post about her here)

They inspire me and make me feel inspired to
carry on,
get new ideas,

Dazzling Dahlia Brooch

They're like my fuel.
Words are so powerful.
Especially as they tell me what they think without me asking their opinion first.
It feels great.

It's like when I see that I've had a visitor on my blog.
My heart flutters for a few seconds and my eyes light up.
Because people are reading
my words,
my thoughts.
People are seeing what I've made.
I feel proud.
And it feels great.

Compliments, inspiration and motivation go hand in hand
and I am ever so grateful to all those that compliment me
or ask questions.

It gets me going.
It keeps me going.


Anonymous said...

Hei Katrine:o)
Hyggelig å høre fra deg.
Ble hoppende glad.
Det er så kjekt å høre fra "nye".
Så masse nydelig du lager.
Gleder meg til å komme tilbake hit:o)

Ha en fin kveld!

Hjertebank said...

Takk ;) Du lager masse kule og fine ting ;) Artig med noe "nytt" og annerledes ;)

Katrine said...

Tusen takk skal dere ha!
Setter pris på feedback :)

Hilsen Katrine

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