This morning I was not feeling well.
I was dizzy and had a headache.
I did not think I could manage going to school.
But I pushed myself since I had a short day.
It went OK, and I had a driving lesson afterwards.
It went pretty well.. I felt progress - which is a good sign!
I had a horrible rash when I came home. I think it was a heat rash.. I get those when it's warm. Even though it's still winter here in Norway, I had a heat rash. Just proves how hard I was concentrating whilst driving!
But when I got home, after getting a shock when I looked at myself in the mirror..
I got a burst of energy!
It's so strange - I get these energy bursts at the strangest times.
I was home at 2 pm so I thought I would do my homework for tomorrow before One Tree Hill and Home and Away. (Yes, I'm addicted.)
So I did my Spanish and Psychology and then I even had 45 minutes to kill until 3:15 pm ! Usually I just plop myself down on the couch and stay there until dinner.. but today..
I cut - I glued - I scrunched - I crafted
I found inner peace.
I cut using my awesome Mummin
scissors! :D |
My fabric stash and circles I cut out |
Getting my glue ready |
Glueing (I usually just glue all over
the place but this pattern is just
for show ;) ) |
Spreading the love |
Scrunching it up |
I made 4 new blue Garden Pinks.
I even took pictures while I was working (see above). - Sorry, no tutorial, but I thought I'd show you a bit of what goes on here.
I'll be making a necklace using three Garden Pinks after I've made two more.. and I'll make 1 brooch using the remaining one. (You see, one turned out a bit smaller than the others.. and we can't have that can we!)
The stash and a pretty box I store them in |
Brooches in the hood |
Belly up |
I guess the lesson is that no matter how tired I am, I need to craft daily because when I craft, everything else is muted.
My thoughts come at the same pace as my crocheting, for example. I can't think too many things at the same time whilst counting loops - or my crocheting will get messed up. When I don't craft, I think too many thoughts at the same time, lose control and confuse myself.
When I craft I find inner peace and it helps me later as well.
I was still a bit dizzy when I came home today, but it was gone after crafting. My headache disappeared too.
I felt good. I had and have energy... which makes me happy...
Click to buy me here! (Ps. box not included in sale)
What keeps you going?
Do you get sudden bursts of energy? -What, where, when, why, how?
Does your stash live in a box?
Let me know below!